Kad se jeseni 1892. godine otvorila Eisenwerk Zenica austrijski i češki industrijalci možda jesu a možda i nisu imali predstave da će tim potezom odrediti budućnost cijelog grada u idućih sto godina. Tadašnji simbol napretka, Željezara, postala je sinonim za Zenicu, dominirajući njenim razvojem. Još uvijek nedovoljno valorizirano naslijeđe modernizma i identitet radničkog grada koji odlikuju Zenicu rezultat su utjecaja Željezare. Iako u je u današnjim vremenima njen utjecaj smanjen, površinom velika gotovo kao pola grada Zenice, ona je bila i sigurno će ostati jedan od glavnih definirajućih faktora u razvoju i identitetu grada
Vrijeme teške industrije u Bosni i Hercegovini je, kako se čini, ipak prošlo ali razvoj grada to nije pratio. Zenica je razvojno ostala duboko u XX stoljeću. Kao i prije stotinu godina, kad se grad, ako gledamo stvari pojednostavljeno, faktički jednim potezom redifinirao u radničku industrijsku sredinu, sada je potrebno ponovo pronaći put za razvoj grada sukladno novim ekonomskim i društvenim kretanjima .
U tu svrhu Grad Zenica je u suradnji sa Asocijacijom arhitekata u BiH odlučio raspisati javni natječaj za razvoj zone na južnom ulazu u grad. Radi se o jednoj od većih slobodnih površina čijim oblikovanjem i razvojem je potrebno napraviti svojevrsnu protutežu teškoj industriji koja se nalazi na sjeveru. Razvoj tog područja potrebno je promatrati kao inicijalnu fazu redefiniranja razvoja Zenice. Jedan je to od većih poslijeratnih konkursa raspisanih u BiH.
Zadatak je težak ali i iznimno inspirativan. Moguće je nasloniti se na nevjerojatno vrijedno naslijeđe modernizma u kojem se još osjeća ruka Juraja Neidhardta kombinirajući ga sa tradicijom autentičnog radničkog grada nastalog na uglju i čeliku. Moguće je u projekat ući s istim onim optimizmom s kojim su se razvijale gradske sredine u doba najveće izgradnje naše države ali ovaj put s novim urbanističkim saznanjima i praksama. Cilj je uspostaviti funkcionalnu simbiozu između već postojećih sadržaja sa suvremenim konceptom koji će ponuditi jedan novi smjer u razvoju Zenice. Kvalitetnim rješenjm moguće je postaviti podlogu za transformaciju grada u suvremen regionalni centar koji se ponosi svojom prošlošću ali u njoj ne živi nego se razvija sukladno vremenu.
Dopustite li nam malu metaforu, pokušat ćemo zamisliti Zenicu kao vagu na čijem je sjevernom kraju enormna količina čelika dok na drugom sada nema ništa. Dodavanjem težine na južni kraj vage istovremeno bi se podigao i sjeverni.
U tom smislu, potrebno je napraviti balans. Potrebno je napraviti nešto što će imati isti uticaj, biti iste težine kao čelik na sjeveru.
NAZIV KONKURSA: Riječni kvart – River block and walk Zenica
PARTNERI: Asocijacija arhitekata u Bosni i Hercegovini
TIP KONKURSA: otvoreni, anketni, anonimni, projektni, jednostepeni
OPSEG: Međunarodni konkurs otvoren za sva fizička i pravna lica koja ispunjavaju uslove Konkursa
JEZIK: Jedan od zvaničnih jezika u BiH
Fizička lica: svi arhitekti, urbanisti i studenti arhitekture;
Pravna lica: sva pravna licakoja su ovlaštena za pružanje usluga arhitektonskog projektovanja.
NOVČANA PARTICIPACIJA: učešće na konkursu se ne plaća
Datum objavljivanja: 10.05.2019. godine
Rok dostavljanja prijava za sudjelovanje: 31.05.2019. godine
Krajnji datum za postavljanje pitanja: 05.07.2019. godine
Datum za dostavljanje odgovara učesnicima: 10.07.2019. godine
Datum zatvranja/predaje radova: 15.7.2019. godine
Obilazak lokacije: 11.06.2019.
Prva nagrada: 25.000 KM
Druga nagrada: 12.500 KM
Treća nagrada: 7.500 KM
Ukupni fond nagrada: 45.000 KM (NETO)
Mladen Jadrić – Predsjednik komisije
Dinko Peračić, arhitekta – član komisije
Sabina Mujkić, urbanistica – članica komisije
Vedina Babahmetović, arhitektica – članica komisije
Lejla Hajro, arhitektica/urbanistica – članica komisije
prof.Vesna Hercegovac-Pašić, arhitektica/urbanistica – zamjenska članica komisije
Sabina Tanović, arhitektica – zamjenska članica komisije
Zahtjev za preuzimanje tenderske dokumetacije sa pratećim materijalom možete preuzeti ovdje.
Projektni zadatak možete pročitati ovdje.
River block competition / A counterweight to iron
Austrian and Czech entrepreneurs that founded Eisenwerk Zenica in the autumn of 1892 could or could have not been aware of the immense impact of their business on the future of the city for the next hundred years. At the time a symbol of progress, the ironworks became synonymous with the city dominating its development. The result of that influence are the modernist heritage and the identity of Zenica as the workers’ city. Though in recent times its influence has been reduced, with an area almost as much as half that of the city of Zenica, it was and will certainly remain one of the main defining factors in the development and identity of the city.
The time of heavy industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina seems to have passed, but the development of the city did not follow. Zenica was left in the 20th century. Just as one hundred years ago, when the city, if we look at the things simplified, had been, with a single stroke, redesigned to an industrial environment now needs to find a way to develop the city in accordance with new economic and social trends.
For this purpose, the City of Zenica in cooperation with AABiH has decided to announce a public competition for the development of a zone at the southern entrance to the city. It is one of the larger free areas whose concept and development needs to make a counterweight to the heavy industry in the north. Development of this area needs to be seen as an initial phase of redefining the development of the city itself. This is one of the major post-war competitions launched in BiH.
The task is difficult but extremely inspirational. It is possible to rely on the incredibly valuable legacy of modernism in which the hand of Juraj Neidhardt can still be felt, combining it with the tradition of an authentic workers town created on coal and steel. It is possible to enter the project with the same optimism that developed urban environment at the time of the greatest construction in our country but this time with new urban knowledge and practices. The aim is to establish a functional symbiosis between the already existing contents with the contemporary concept that will offer a new direction in the development of Zenica. A quality solution can be the basis for transforming the city into a contemporary regional center that is proud of its past but it does not live in it.
If you allow us a small metaphor, we will try to imagine Zenica as a scale on whose northern end is an enormous amount of iron while on the other there is nothing at all. Adding weight to the southern end of the scale would simultaneously raise the north.
There is a need to do something that will have the same effect, be of the same weight as the iron in the north. It is necessary to make a balance.
TITLE: River quarter – River block and walk Zenica
CONTRACTOR: City of Zenica
PARTNERS: Association of Architects of Bosnia and Herzegovina
TYPE OF COMPETITION: open, poll, anonymous, project, single-stage
RANGE: An international competition is open to all physical and legal persons who meet the requirements of the Competition
LANGUAGE: One of the official languages in BiH
Physical entities: architects, urbanists and students of architecture;
Legal entities: all legal entities that are authorized to provide architectural design
COST SHARE: No fee shall be paid for participation in the competition.
Date of publiacation: May 9th,2019
Final date for delivery of the application form: May 31st, 2019
Date by which candidates may ask questions: July 10th, 2019
Closing date: July 15, 2019
Location visit date: June 11th, 2019, 13:00h
First prize: 25.000 KM
Seecond prize: 12.500 KM
Third prize: 7.500 KM
Total award fund: 45.000 KM net
Mladen Jadrić, architect – President of the committee
Dinko Peračić, architect – member of the Jury
Sabina Mujkić, urbanist – member of the Jury
Vedina Babahmetović, architect – member of the Jury
Lejla Hajro, architect/urbanist – member of the Jury
prof.Vesna Hercegovac-Pašić, architect/urbanist – deputy member of the Jury
Sabina Tanović, architect – deputy member of the Jury
You can download the tender documents with the accompanying material here.
You can read the project assignment here.